Program Officer: The Fund for New Jersey

We seek a Program Officer who will work with the President, staff, and Trustees to guide The Fund for New Jersey into the future.  Responsibilities will encompass both programmatic and strategic work, including:

Grant Making (60%)

  • Cultivating and deepening relationships with potential and current grantee partners
  • Evaluating grants proposals and making recommendations, supported by research and analysis
  • Managing the grants process and fostering a culture of thoughtful improvement
  • Supporting grantee partners by connecting them with resources beyond the grant

Collaboration, Communication, and Innovation (40%)

  • Developing strong relationships with non-profit and public leaders and philanthropic colleagues
  • Strengthening collaborative partnerships
  • Hosting private and public convenings with grantees and philanthropic partners to build community, shared understanding, and trusted relationships
  • Understanding emerging policy directions and developing new initiatives
  • Exploring external partnerships with funders, philanthropy-serving organizations, and national networks operating outside New Jersey to grow resources for our grantees and areas of interest
  • Writing and speaking eloquently and effectively on behalf of The Fund for New Jersey
  • Working closely with the President, staff, and Trustees of The Fund to foster a culture of learning, growth, and impact

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