Executive Director: Brandywine Workshop and Archives

Our founder-executive director Allan L. Edmunds is planning his retirement this fall and the Board of Directors has a five-year plan in place, Brandywine 2.0, to manage the transition of leadership.

The new executive director leadership position application is now ongoing through the summer or until we receive an adequate number of qualified candidates for the review. This is a challenging position due to the many local, national, and international programs BWA manages. The organization is seeking someone knowledgeable of contemporary diverse art, with experience in curatorial and collections management experience, development, and management background. Salary is commensurate with experience (range $80,000–$100,000).

Applicant, if selected, must be ready to start no later than January 1, 2023.

Qualifications and responsibilities will be sent to all who request application materials by sending an email to prints@brandywineworkshop.com.

Our history, mission, and programming are available at Brandywine Workshop and Archives and Artura.org.